What We Believe
The Free Church of Scotland believes three simple truths:
Firstly, we believe there is only one God who is at the same time three Persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. All three are equal, yet remain one God.
Secondly, we believe that Jesus Christ was and is the eternal Son of God; that, as God and man, he was born into this world to die for our sins; that he rose again after three days, ascended to heaven and will one day return to raise the dead and judge the world.
Thirdly, we believe the Bible to be the perfect and true Word of God and relevant in every age. The message we teach is that, by God’s grace and power, through trusting in and submitting to Jesus as Lord, all our wrongdoing is forgiven and we receive the gift of new and everlasting life.
As a Church, our beliefs are summarised in The Westminster Confession of Faith.
Our Vision
It is our vision to reach the city of Inverness with the news of the gospel.
To do this we seek to: